Robert Griffith | 14 July 2024
Robert Griffith
14 July 2024


In the first verse of Peter’s first letter in the New Testament, Peter describes us using the Greek term  παρεπίδημος (para-ped’-a-mos) – an expatriate, a temporary resident in a place not his home.  When I looked to see how the various English versions had translated this word, I was surprised by the variety:

Exiles – the English Standard Version and New International Version

Sojourners –  The American Standard Version

Strangers – The King James Version

Foreigners – New Living Translation

Pilgrims – New King Names Version

Those who live as refugees – The Good News Translation

Those away from their homes – New Century Version

Those who reside as aliens – New American Standard Version

Those temporarily residing abroad – The NET Bible

Temporary residents – Holman Christian Standard Bible

Peter is saying we must think of ourselves in these terms.  We are deployed by God in a land not our own.  We’re temporary residents of this world. That’s the basis of thinking behind the book of 1 Peter. This world is not a destination but a deployment for a time.  It’s not our permanent location but our temporary assignment.

I want to encourage you today to ponder how this understanding of our place in the should impact the way we live each day.


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