God intended for us to perform most effectively in community. Even before sin was introduced into the garden, God, the Creator, determined that something was …
Carpe Diem
The Roman poet Horace used the phrase “Carpe Diem” to convey the concept that we ought to make the most of our lives while we still have the opportunity to do so …
Walking with Integrity
Is there something that you would like your children to learn from your entire life? A life lived with integrity is the most valuable inheritance that we can leave behind. If …
The Waiting Room
Is waiting something you do well? I’m afraid it’s not my strongest gift! Our culture of instant gratification contributes to our inability to wait patiently. Have you ever …
Conflict is a reality for all humans. Whilst some people tend to create or attract it more than others, we all have to feal with conflict. For Christians is all comes down to the …
In Australia and New Zealand, today is ANZAC Day. Every year I am asked the same question by someone: What has ANZAC day got to with God? Or perhaps more …
Making memories
What is the most powerful memory you have? One of the most effective ways to cultivate connections that are wholesome, long-lasting, and healthy is to bring about positive…
At the end of your rope?
Have you ever been at the end of your rope? You have exhausted your resources and you feel like you can’t hang on much longer. I was recently reading the Beatitudes again …
Walking in Darkness?
We have all been in that position at some point in our lives. It is possible that you are currently in the dark. When you are walking in darkness, you are unable to see where …