America’s Moral Civil War
The whole world knew this day was coming, thanks to a leaked document from the U.S. Supreme Court a month or so ago, but nobody really knew for sure …
Wounded by Words
It’s a wonderful day indeed when we stop working for God and start working with God. For years I viewed God as a compassionate CEO and my role as a loyal …
Basking in God’s Love
We fear rejection, so we follow the crowd. We fear not fitting in, so we take the drugs. For fear of standing out, we wear what everyone else wears. For fear of blending …
He Knows How You Feel
We fear rejection, so we follow the crowd. We fear not fitting in, so we take the drugs. For fear of standing out, we wear what everyone else wears. For fear of blending …
Same-Sex Marriage
Over four years ago the Australian people voted in favour of same-sex marriage via a voluntary postal survey. The survey results were published on 15th November …
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel was very clear to the first disciples. Jesus taught them well and the Holy Spirit continued teaching them as the mission of Christ spread worldwide. There were …
True Christian Unity
What I am seeing across the Body of Christ today is something far greater than a superficial ‘unity movement’ inspired by human ideas and carried out through man-made …
The Paradox of our Time
We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses …
More Bonhoeffers!
I woke in the middle of the night recently and all I could see was the face of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. As I wrestled with my pillow and tried to go back to sleep, I began to connect …
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