Psalm 105:5 “Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced …”
God has blessed you in how many ways today? No, seriously, how many blessings have you received from Him? Could you name ten, one hundred, or even a thousand blessings if you were to pause for a moment and count them? Usually, we don’t take the time to reflect on all the benefits the Lord has bestowed upon us. We fail to properly honour the One Who bestows all blessings because of our fast-paced lifestyle, the desire to occupy our minds with work or amusement all the time, and our general forgetfulness.
It’s not just us who forgets God. As we read through Exodus, we notice that the Israelites were always forgetting the good things that God had done for them. Recalling God’s acts is a recurring motif in the Old Testament. We can better honour God with praise and glory when we reflect on the blessings we have received from Him. God has done so many incredible things for us, and there is so much for which we should be grateful. Psalm 105 highlights three key points to keep in mind: wonders, miracles, and rulings.
What in the world has made you gasp in surprise and take a step back? We tend to either overlook God’s beauty in life or magnify its flaws when faced with inclement weather, dreadful global events, and hectic schedules. We ought to be in awe of God on a daily basis. To truly appreciate God’s handiwork, we need not embark on an arduous journey to the summit of Mount Everest or witness the spectacle of the Northern Lights. God’s creation can be made more beautiful by anything as simple as the wood on the fire or a tiny bird at the feeder.
Consider viewing the world through the eyes of a child to help you connect with everyday wonders. Usually, even the tiniest things can astonish children. They certainly have a respect for God’s creation, whether they are birds picking at the ground for food or kids splashing around in puddles. We ought to be filled with the same sense of appreciation and wonder for ordinary things. It requires repetition. Perhaps you could write down some of the things that have amazed you recently.
There are times when it is easy to identify specific instances in which God has moved and a miracle has occurred. In other cases, we may have days, weeks, months, or even years during which we believe God has not intervened in our lives. No matter how we feel, we must acknowledge that God plays a HUGE role in our daily life.
Most of us have witnessed some sort of miracle in our lives. It usually begins with our own conversion to Christ. It is essential to keep this in mind when we witness God working in such an amazing way. This strengthens our relationship with God as He is still at work in our life and even helps us see the ways in which He may be at work. Remembering what God has already accomplished can help you remain aware of what He is working in your life. Every day, acknowledge and celebrate your wonders. Make a note of them so you won’t forget.
Finally, keep in mind the lessons God has imparted to us through the Bible. Our narrative as a whole, centres on Jesus. We can better understand God’s work in our lives by keeping these texts in mind and studying them. Jesus was concerned about us remembering Scripture and making it the core of who we are. When He was questioned or went through trying times, He could quickly quote a scripture and explain its meaning. Make a noted of some significant Bible verses that have had a profound impact in your life.
We can stay focused on Christ’s mission and maintain optimism for the future by keeping in mind who God is and what He has accomplished in our lives.