We now conclude our journey through Ephesians with Paul’s closing words and final exhortations. In this passage, Paul offers personal remarks, shares news about his circumstances, and gives a final blessing. Though these verses are brief, they are rich with encouragement, community, and grace, offering us profound insights into living out our faith and staying connected as the body of Christ.
Ephesians 6:21-24 “Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing. I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you. Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”
This passage can be divided into three main sections: Paul’s commendation of Tychicus (21-22), his final blessing to the Ephesians (23-24), and reflections on the overall message of Ephesians. Each section provides us with practical guidance on living out our faith, staying connected in community, and embracing the grace and love of God.
Paul’s commendation of Tychicus (6:21-22)
Paul begins by introducing Tychicus, a dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord: “Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing. I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you.” Tychicus is mentioned several times in the New Testament as a trusted companion and co-worker of Paul. Here, Paul highlights Tychicus’s role in conveying news about Paul’s circumstances and providing encouragement to the Ephesian believers.
Tychicus’s Character …
Paul describes Tychicus as a dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord. This commendation highlights Tychicus’s character and dedication to the ministry. He is a beloved member of the Christian community and a trustworthy messenger. The term “dear brother” emphasizes the close and affectionate relationship between Paul and Tychicus. This language reflects the deep bonds of fellowship and love that characterize the Christian community. It reminds us of the importance of building and maintaining strong, supportive relationships within the body of Christ. The description “faithful servant in the Lord” underscores Tychicus’s reliability and commitment to serving Christ. Faithfulness is a key attribute in Christian service, and Tychicus exemplifies this quality through his dedication to supporting Paul and the early church.
Tychicus’s Mission …
Paul states that he is sending Tychicus to the Ephesians so that they may know how Paul and his companions are doing and that Tychicus may encourage them. This mission involves both communication and encouragement. Communication is essential for maintaining connection and unity within the church. By sending Tychicus with news about his circumstances, Paul ensures that the Ephesians are informed and reassured about his well-being. This transparency fosters trust and solidarity within the Christian community. Encouragement is another crucial aspect of Tychicus’s mission. Paul recognizes the importance of uplifting and strengthening the believers, especially in times of trial and uncertainty. Tychicus’s presence and words are meant to provide comfort and motivation, helping the Ephesians remain steadfast in their faith.
Paul’s final blessing to the Ephesians (6:23-24)
Paul concludes his letter with a final blessing, invoking peace, love, faith, and grace upon the Ephesian believers: “Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.”
Peace …
Paul begins his blessing with a prayer for peace: “Peace to the brothers and sisters.” Peace is a central theme in Paul’s letters and a key aspect of the Christian life. It refers to both inner tranquillity and harmonious relationships within the community. The source of true peace is God Himself. Paul emphasizes that this peace comes from “God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” It is a divine gift that surpasses human understanding and is rooted in our reconciliation with God through Christ. In a world filled with conflict and turmoil, the peace of God provides stability and assurance. As believers, we are called to be peacemakers, promoting reconciliation and harmony in our relationships. Paul’s blessing reminds us to seek and cultivate this peace in our lives and within the church.
Love with Faith …
Paul continues by praying for “love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Love and faith are foundational to the Christian life, and Paul often pairs these virtues in his letters. Love is the hallmark of the Christian community. It reflects the selfless, sacrificial love of Christ and is expressed through our actions, attitudes, and relationships. Love binds us together as the body of Christ and is a powerful witness to the world. Faith is our trust and confidence in God. It involves believing in His promises, relying on His strength, and living in obedience to His Word. Faith sustains us through trials and challenges, enabling us to stand firm in our relationship with God. Paul emphasizes that both love and faith are gifts from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. They are not qualities we produce on our own but are cultivated through our relationship with God. As we grow in our love for God and our faith in Him, we are empowered to love others and to live out our faith with integrity and purpose.
Grace …
Paul concludes his blessing with a prayer for grace: “Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.” Grace is a central theme in Paul’s theology, representing God’s unmerited favour and empowerment for the Christian life. Grace is the foundation of our salvation. It is by grace that we are saved through faith, and it is by grace that we are sustained and empowered to live out our faith. Paul’s prayer for grace encompasses both the initial experience of salvation and the ongoing work of God’s grace in our lives. Paul specifically addresses this blessing to “all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.” This phrase highlights the depth and endurance of our love for Christ. An undying love is steadfast, unwavering, and eternal, reflecting the depth of our commitment to Jesus. As recipients of God’s grace, we are called to extend grace to others. This involves showing kindness, forgiveness, and generosity in our relationships. Paul’s blessing reminds us of the abundant grace we have received and encourages us to live in a way that reflects this grace to the world.
Reflections on the overall message of Ephesians
As we conclude our journey through the book of Ephesians, it is important to reflect on the overall message and themes of this powerful letter. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians addresses key aspects of Christian doctrine and practice, providing rich insights into our identity in Christ, the unity of the church, and the conduct of believers.
Our identity in Christ …
One of the central themes of Ephesians is our identity in Christ. Paul emphasizes that we are chosen, redeemed, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. We have been adopted as God’s children, and we are heirs of His promises. Our identity in Christ shapes how we live and relate to others. It provides us with a sense of purpose and belonging, empowering us to live in a way that reflects the character of Christ. As we embrace our identity in Christ, we are called to live out the values and virtues of the kingdom of God.
The unity of the Church …
Another key theme in Ephesians is the unity of the church. Paul emphasizes that the church is the body of Christ, composed of diverse members who are united by their common faith in Jesus. This unity is a reflection of God’s eternal plan to bring all things together under Christ. Paul calls us to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. This involves cultivating humility, gentleness, patience, and love in our relationships. Unity is not uniformity but a harmonious diversity that reflects the richness of God’s grace. The unity of the church is also a powerful witness to the world. As we live out our unity in Christ, we demonstrate the transformative power of the gospel and the reconciling work of God. Paul’s vision for the church challenges us to pursue unity and to be a visible expression of God’s kingdom on earth.
The conduct of believers …
Ephesians also provides practical guidance on the conduct of believers. Paul addresses various aspects of Christian living, including our relationships in the home, the workplace, and the church. He calls us to live in a way that reflects our new identity in Christ and our commitment to God’s standards. This involves putting off the old self and putting on the new self, living in righteousness and holiness. Paul emphasizes the importance of truth, love, forgiveness, and integrity in our interactions with others. He also addresses the spiritual battle we face and the need to put on the full armour of God.
Paul’s instructions are not merely moral guidelines but are rooted in the transformative power of the gospel. As we live out our faith, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to reflect the character of Christ and to fulfill God’s purposes in our lives.
Living out the message of Ephesians
As we reflect on the message of Ephesians, it is essential to consider how we can practically apply these teachings in our daily lives. The themes of identity, unity, and conduct provide a framework for living out our faith in a way that honours God and builds up the body of Christ.
Embrace and Celebrate Your Identity in Christ …
Daily reminders of your identity: Start each day by reminding yourself of your identity in Christ. Reflect on key Scriptures that affirm who you are in Him, such as Ephesians 1:3-14, which highlights that you are chosen, redeemed, and sealed by the Holy Spirit. Allow these truths to shape your thoughts and actions throughout the day.
Live with purpose: Recognize that your identity in Christ gives you a unique purpose and calling. Seek to discover and fulfill the specific role God has for you within His kingdom. Whether it is through your work, relationships, or ministry, strive to live out your purpose with passion and dedication.
Find your security in Christ: In a world that often defines worth and identity by external factors, find your security in Christ alone. Let go of the need for approval from others and rest in the assurance that you are deeply loved and valued by God.
Pursue and foster unity in the Church …
Cultivate humility and gentleness: Reflect on Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 4:2 to “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” Seek to develop these qualities in your interactions with others, recognizing that humility and gentleness are essential for maintaining unity.
Practice active listening: Foster unity by actively listening to others, especially those with different perspectives or experiences. Seek to understand their viewpoints and to empathize with their struggles. Active listening promotes mutual respect and understanding within the body of Christ.
Engage in reconciliation: When conflicts arise, take the initiative to seek reconciliation. Follow the principles outlined in Matthew 18:15-17 for addressing conflicts in a healthy and constructive manner. Be willing to apologize, forgive, and work towards restoration, prioritizing the unity of the church.
Live out your faith with integrity and love:
Commit to righteous living: Reflect on Ephesians 4:22-24, which calls us to put off the old self and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Strive to live a life that reflects the character of Christ, seeking to honour Him in all areas of your life.
Extend forgiveness: Embrace Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 4:32 to “be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Let go of grudges and bitterness and choose to extend forgiveness to those who have wronged you.
Walk in love: Follow Paul’s call in Ephesians 5:1-2 to “follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Seek to demonstrate Christ-like love in your relationships, actions, and attitudes.
Equip yourself for spiritual battle …
Put on the Full Armor of God: Reflect on Ephesians 6:10-18, where Paul describes the full armour of God which we already have in Christ. Make it a daily practice embrace each ‘piece’ of armour through prayer, asking God to equip you with His truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and Word.
Stay Vigilant and Prayerful: Embrace Paul’s exhortation in Ephesians 6:18 to “pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Stay vigilant and alert in prayer, seeking God’s guidance, strength, and protection in the face of spiritual warfare.
Support and Encourage Others: Recognize the importance of community in spiritual battle. Support and encourage your fellow believers, just as Tychicus was sent to encourage the Ephesians. Pray for one another, share your struggles, and stand together in faith.
Encouragement for the journey ahead
As we conclude our journey through the book of Ephesians, it is important to recognize that the teachings and exhortations Paul provides are not just for the early church but are also relevant for us today. The themes of identity, unity, and conduct are timeless principles that guide us in our walk with Christ.
Embrace the journey … Recognize that the Christian life is a journey of growth and transformation. There will be challenges and trials along the way, but God’s grace and strength are sufficient for every step. Embrace the journey with faith, knowing that God is with you and will guide you.
Stay connected … Stay connected to the body of Christ through fellowship, worship, and service. The church is a source of support, encouragement, and accountability. Engage actively in your church community, building relationships that strengthen your faith and help you grow.
Seek God’s presence … Prioritize your relationship with God above all else. Spend time in prayer, worship, and the study of His Word. Seek His presence daily, allowing Him to fill you with His peace, love, and grace.
Live out your faith … Let the truths of Ephesians shape your daily life. Live out your faith with integrity, love, and purpose. Seek to honour God in all that you do, reflecting His character and fulfilling His calling for your life.
In this passage, Paul offers his closing words and final exhortations to the Ephesian believers, highlighting the importance of strong relationships, peace, love, faith, and grace. As we conclude our journey through the book of Ephesians, let us reflect on the rich insights and practical guidance that Paul has provided. We are called to embrace our identity in Christ, to maintain the unity of the church, and to live out our faith with integrity and purpose. As we live in community, seek peace, demonstrate love and faith, and extend grace, we reflect the character of Christ and fulfill God’s purposes in our lives.
Thank you for joining me on this journey through Ephesians. As we move on from this study, my prayer is that each of us may carry the truths of this powerful letter in our hearts and live out our faith boldly and joyfully in Christ, through Christ and for Christ.