Robert Griffith | 20 January 2025
Robert Griffith
20 January 2025


In a world driven by consumerism and self-interest, generosity stands out as a countercultural act. As Christians, we are called to live with open hands, recognizing that everything we have belongs to God.

Generosity isn’t just about giving money; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about sharing our time, talents, and resources to bless others.

2 Corinthians 9:7  “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

True generosity flows from a heart transformed by grace.

Practicing generosity requires a shift in perspective. Instead of clinging to what we have, we trust God’s provision. This mindset frees us from the fear of scarcity and allows us to give freely, knowing that our ultimate security is in Him.

Generosity also reflects the character of God. When we give, we mirror His extravagant love and care for us. Whether it’s a simple act of kindness, a financial gift, or offering a listening ear, our generosity points others to Christ.

As we cultivate a life of generosity, we discover a paradoxical truth: the more we give, the richer we become – not in material wealth, but in joy, gratitude, and a deeper sense of purpose.

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