Robert Griffith | 7 September 2024
Robert Griffith
7 September 2024


The English word ‘religion’ is etymologically derived from the Latin word ‘religo’ meaning to ‘bind up.’ Now you can’t get much clearer than that right up front! Religion binds people up in rules and regulations or in ritualistic patterns of devotion. Christianity, on the other hand, sets us powerfully free and was never meant to be a religion. By stark contrast to religion, Christianity is the dynamic spiritual life of the risen Lord Jesus indwelling our spirit so as to create functional behaviour to the glory of God.

Sadly, mankind has attempted to force Christianity into the moulds and forms of religion for centuries. That is evident by all the steeples and sanctuaries and ecclesiastical programs that dot the landscape of societies across the world. It is the propensity of fallen mankind to formulate religion to take that which is of the invisible God and attempt to make it visible, tangible and controllable which then produces man-made religion! The apostle Paul refers to it as “self-made religion” (Colossians 2:23), and goes on to indicate that it is of no value against fleshly indulgence. In essence, Paul is saying that “religion is of no value against man’s sinfulness.” In fact, religion is a co-dependent enabler of the sins of mankind. It is itself an addiction.

Religion is essentially idolatry. Men and women worship their man-made formations and structures their ideological idols formed in the concrete of inflexible minds. When the apostle Paul came to Athens (Acts 17:22), he observed their idols and exclaimed, “Men of Athens, I observe that you are very religious in all respects.” The Greek word that Paul used for ‘religious’literally means ‘to have great respect for demons.’

So, to contrast genuine Christianity with religion, let me give you my simple definition of religion as I understand it from Church history and have seen and experienced in more than 45 years of front line ministry in the Church:

Religion is our feeble attempt to establish and maintain a relationship with God through every means possible other than that which He ordained, provides and empowers.

Christianity is most definitely not a religion!  Christianity is ALL about RELATIONSHIP and the contrast is very clear:

Relationship causes us to be dependent
Religion drowns us in our own strength

Relationship produces passion in our lives
Religion produces complacency

Relationship compels us to serve
Religion drives us to apathy

Relationship draws us towards what’s risky
Religion draws us to something comfortable and predictable

Relationship drives us to our knees
Religion drives us to our platforms

Relationship births love for the lost
Religion births love of our rules

Relationship brings change and freedom
Religion forces conformity and bondage

Relationship brings forth life and fruit
Religion brings decay and spiritual death

So that is why the word ‘religion’ should never, ever be used to describe anything to do with the Church Jesus birthed or the gospel we are called to preach and to live.

That is why I believe God really hates religion, because it stands opposed to everything He is and everything we are called to be in Christ, through Christ and for Christ.

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