A radio host has come under fire after discussing the origins of the Christmas story on his show. Richard Glover, host of ABC Sydney’s Drive programme received backlash from listeners after he interviewed a Christian scholar on the birth of Jesus Christ, as part of an exploration into the origins of Christmas. The episode ‘Do you know the story of Jesus’ birth?’ was part of his Self-Improvement series in which he discussed two accounts of the birth of Jesus Christ with Rev Professor Dorothy Lee from Melbourne’s University of Divinity. The broadcast caused outrage amongst some listeners who argued it was inappropriate and offensive to cover the topic of religion and Christianity on the drive time show. Mr Glover, an atheist, defended the segment on Twitter as “wonderful and compelling whatever your beliefs” and questioned some people’s responses.
He tweeted: “So many angry about a discussion about the biblical account of the birth of Jesus featuring an Australian scholar who happens to be one of the world’s best. I know many don’t believe, I don’t, but why be so angry about a Christian trip into a foundation text?” One Twitter user responded saying: “Because we are a secular country and the national broadcaster is supposed to be too.” “What’s next? L Ron Hubbard and Scientology”, said another. While one post compared the content to airing the views of ” conspiracy nuts” or “neo-Nazi’s”. Others were more supportive of the segment, echoing Glover’s sentiments. “Since when have we become so closed minded to learning? A broad education creates discussion and different viewpoints. That’s called democracy,” one commenter said. Another tweeted: “What is so wrong with it? It’s just stories discussed by an expert in that field.”
If we go back even ten years in our nation, the above account would most probably never have happened. But the secularisation of our society and the intentional anti-Christian groundswell has increased in speed and intensity in a way many never imagined. I remember writing about Christmas only a few years ago and giving thanks for the fact that songs about Jesus Christ are still played in stores and secular musicians and singers still embrace the traditional Christmas Carols which speak of the King of Kings in a manger. It is now obvious from Richard Glover’s experience that even those days are numbered. We have so much to pray about as we cry out to God for the soul our nation in these difficult times.