Robert Griffith | 6 September 2024
Robert Griffith
6 September 2024


Everyone wants to feel like they’re involved in something that really matters. We all want our lives to count. We all want to make a difference in this world – at least to someone. None of us want to live our lives so that when we are gone we are quickly forgotten.

In fact, many people that I know want to do great things. They want to accomplish great goals. They want to be successful. Nobody sets out to fail – we all want to succeed in every area of our lives. We want to live a life that really counts – a life that makes an impact for good in the lives of others.

Well the truth is that we have all been called to do great things! God has called us to accomplish great goals. God wants us to live lives that count as we make an impact upon this world for Jesus Christ. As Christians, we are involved in the greatest mission enterprise that the world has ever known.

In the Bible, we call it the Great Commission. You can find it in Matthew 28. Jesus has commissioned us to preach the gospel to every person in every area of our lives. He has called us to make disciples everywhere we go.

This is the mission of Christ – the only mission there is – and that mission has a Church – and that Church is you and me! That’s right, we are called to embrace the mission of Christ to advance the Kingdom of God by leading them to Jesus as the Holy Spirit transforms them into fully devoted followers of Christ.

Of course, we can’t do this in our own power, but we don’t have to. We have been given the power of Christ in us. We can do all things through Christ Who strengthens us.

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