Robert Griffith | 24 July 2024
Robert Griffith
24 July 2024


“Look to Jesus for everything…God has simplified our life of faith in His dear Son. Severing us from all other sources, alluring us away from all other dependencies, and weaning us from all self-confidence, He shuts us up to Christ above, that Christ might be all and in all.”  (Octavius Winslow)

    …  Jesus is the only Way to God (John 14:6).

    …  the only Door to enter (John 10:7-9).

    …  the only Salvation to receive (Acts 4:12).

    …  the only Living Bread to feast upon (John 6:35).

    …  the only Truth to know (John 14:6).

    …  the only Light to walk in (John 8:12).

    …  the only Vine to abide in (John 15:1).

    …  the only Life to live (John 14:6).

    …  the only Good Shepherd to follow  (John 10:14).

    …  the only Sure Foundation to build upon   (1 Corinthians 3:11).

    …  the only Mediator to call upon  (1 Timothy 2:5).

    …  the only Lord to serve  (1 Corinthians 8:6).


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