The next time you think you have an excuse why God can’t use you, consider the following:
- Noah was a drunkard
- Abraham was too old
- Isaac was a daydreamer
- Jacob was a liar
- Leah was ugly
- Joseph was abused
- Moses was a murderer
- Gideon was afraid
- Samson had long hair
- Rahab was a prostitute
- Timothy was too young
- David had an illicit affair and was a murderer
- Elijah was suicidal
- Isaiah preached naked
- Job was bankrupt
- John the Baptist ran around in a loincloth and ate locusts
- Peter has hot-tempered
- John was self-righteous.
- The disciples fell asleep while praying
- Martha fretted about everything
- Mary Magdalene was demon-possessed
- The boy with the fish and five rolls of bread was too obscure
- The Samaritan woman was divorced more than once
- Zacchaeus was too small
- Paul was too religious
- Lazarus was dead.
No more excuses!