Psalm 27:4 “One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple.”
All of us are seekers. Within all of us there are those things which we desire. We all have goals; we all have dreams. And we are all hopeful that those dreams may one day come true.
What is it you seek? Are the things which we seek worth seeking? Some of the things we seek may not be what the Lord desires for us. Some of those things may even hurt us were we to acquire them. So we must be careful to evaluate what we seek in light of the worthiness of that thing. We must also ask ourselves the question of why we seek those things.
The fact is that all of us are involved in the living of life. But in the process, we find that things don’t always go smoothly. The road of life has many a bump, many a pothole. And as we weave our way around the hairpin curves and over the steep hills, we find that some things which we thought were important no longer seem so important. We come to understand that there is more to life than meets the eye.
All of us struggle and have problems. Everywhere people are hurting and are in need. And what the world holds forth to meet those needs are only shallow substitutes of the real thing. It is the real thing for which we are to seek. That should be our priority in this day. We must seek that which will make life worth living.
David was a man beset with the circumstances of life. He had enjoyed some measure of success in His life, yet that success was not without its problems. Not only did David have personal problems, he also had people problems.
On more than one occasion there were people who were set against him, seeking to take his life. David knew what it was to struggle with the serious issues of life. But David also knew what it was important to seek. And in this passage of Scripture, we see revealed for us life’s most important priority. We see here that one thing above all others which we should seek.