1. You can drive right up to Unit 9 to unload your car – but then park in one of the visitors spots down the driveway or out on the street.

2. Keys: If you don’t have keys already, there is a set of keys in the keysafe located on the wall at the end of the front patio. To open the keysafe, slide the cover down to expose the numbered wheels.


Rotate the wheels to show they correct combination (ensuring they click into place each time). Then push the black down to open the door. Please close the keysafe door, swivel all the wheels in random order and slide the dust cover up again.

3. Enter through the front door first (screen will be deadlocked) and then go inside and open the garage door to unload everything more easily.

Note: There are two remote buttons for the roller door: one just inside the family room adjacent to the kitchen door and the other is on the roller door motor itself.

4. As soon as you enter the unit – switch on the hot water. The power board is inside – in the far corner of the main bedroom. Flick the green circuit breaker on the far right up. You will have hot water in about 40 minutes.

5. Unlock the screen doors with your key to both back doors so you are not locked inside.


1. If there is washing to be done from previous visitors, please do that as soon as possible. It will either be in the washing basket in the bathroom or in the laundry. This can be hung outside, dried and put away inside.  The ‘daily’ cycle on the washing machine is fine to use for everything.

2. On your last day, please change the sheets on all the beds that have been used and place in the washing basket or laundry tub. Do not wash.

3. Sheets for each bed can be found in the wardrobes within each room. Olive green – main queen bed. Light pink for double bottom bunk. Pink – top single bunk. Light green – single Rumpus Room bed. Spare blue sheets are for single beds.

4. Adult and child towels are in the linen cupboard. All beach towels are in the family room cupboard.


1. Please double check that all windows are closed.

2. Empty the rubbish into the outside red bin and put a clean white bag in the kitchen bin.

3. Make sure the gas tap on the BBQ cylinder is turned completely off (clockwise all the way)

4. Switch off the hot water circuit breaker on the power board in the main bedroom.

5. Deadlock the back screen doors

6. Lock the rumpus room/garage door once you have finished inside.

7. Switch off all lights, electric blankets, fans and the airconditioner.

8. Leave via the front door, locking the screen with your key.

9. If you are using the keys from the Keysafe, please make sure they are returned to the safe and it is locked and the wheels are rotated randomly and the dust cover is slide back up.


Please Note: The owners manuals and instruction books for all equipment in the unit can be found in the bottom drawer in the kitchen.

WiFi: The WiFi network is ‘Paradise’ or ‘Paradise 5.’  Most devices are compatible with the higher speed, so select Paradise 5. The password will be supplied by text message. You should enjoy 100 mps speed most times of the day. The modem and NBN box are on the small elevated shelf in the dining room and should not be touched. If you ever lose service for any length of time, use the white steps in the laundry to reach the powerpoint behind the modem (don’t put any weight on the shelf) and switch it off for 20 seconds and back on again. It should only take a few minutes to reboot and be back online again. If that doesn’t work, then you will need to wait until the provider gets their act together!

Main TV: The main TV is already connected online and all the Smart TV functions are active. To watch free to air normal TV programs turn on the TV with the remote and wait for the following screen to appear:

Roll the scroll wheel a little until you see the cursor on the screen

Then place the cursor over the ‘Live TV’ icon on the bottom left of the screen and press the scroll wheel once.

Alernatively, you can just press and hold the ‘Home’ button until the screen goes blank and it will take you to the last selection you made. If it was Live TV, then it will load the last channel you were watching.

Other TV’s: All TV’s in the unit are Smart TV’s except the one in Bedroom 2. There is a DVD player connected to that TV.

BBQ: The BBQ in the back courtyard is ready to go. Just turn on the valve on the gas bottle and you are ready to go.  No matches or ignitor needed. Just turn on a burner control slowly and you will hear the automatic ignitor engage and light the burner. Repeat this for the other burners.  You will also note there is a bracket inside the lid (see below) which is there so you can hang the lid on the back of the unit whilst cooking – to protect the brick wall behind. Please make sure this is done each time.  Remember to turn the gas off at the bottle when finished.






HOSE: There is a hose out the front, outside the main bedroom, to use to wash off any sand or dirt if needed before entering the unit. 

MEDICAL ASSISTANCE: There is a medical centre on the edge of town as you come into SWR (click HERE), but we have been told they are full and you can’t get in to see anyone. You can call them on 65666397. However, the Kempsey Medical Centre (click HERE) bulk bills and is only 30 minutes away. You can call them on 65626188.

BACK GATE: There is an IGA, Pizza Place, Servo and Laundromat on the main road up the hill through the single gate. There is a key to this gate hanging inside the cupboard above the stove. Please make sure you lock the gate after going through it as it must be locked at all times. Ensure the key is returned to the hook.

EATING OUT: Google will tell you most of what you want to know. The Seabreeze Hotel serves great meals from 11:30am onwards. So you never have to wait for them to open if you want a late lunch or early dinner. Malt and Honey is just up the road from the Seabeeze and they do an awesome big breakfast. There is also the Riverside Tavern and lots of other cafes and two bakeries. We have been advised that during holidays and peak season, it is a good idea to book a table at most venues.

SHOPS:  Most shops are in town and walking distance from each other. IGA is behind the unit on the main road. Coles, Reject Shop, chemist, cafe, a grog shop and a cash only bakery are in the main centre on the edge of town as you enter SWR. There is a hardware store and camping shop on the edge of town before you get to Coles.

FISHING:  There are a number of good fishing spots in the area (check with the locals). Please do not gut or clean fish in the unit. There are two fish cleaning tables locally. One is near with the Caravan Park near Horseshoe Bay and one at Back Creek Reserve. As the red bin is only collected fortnightly, please do not dispose of prawn heads or fish scraps in our bin.

RUBBISH COLLECTION:  The bins are collected fortnightly, alternate weeks for red and yellow. Someone will collect and return the bin, you don’t need to put them out or bring them in. Bins are taken out Tuesday afternoon and emptied Wednesday.

ATTRACTIONS: We have beaches, a river, a lighthouse and lots of wonderful views and places to explore.   Here are some links to click on and discover more: