Robert Griffith | 28 May 2024
Robert Griffith
28 May 2024


Isaiah 43:25  “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

Why would you ever want to think about your sins if God claims to have forgotten them?  Past transgressions are a powerful tool in the accuser’s arsenal.  Satan enjoys bringing up your previous sins and mistakes.  However, God completely forgets our sins when He pardons us.  God promises to forgive our wickedness and to never again remember our misdeeds.

We don’t have to worry about God bringing up our past sin!  That is salvation!  There is no sin too big for His grace to forgive!  The Gospel is called Good News for this reason!  God used His Son’s death on the cross to purchase our redemption!  All of it was paid for by Jesus!  The phrase “It is finished!” that He uttered from the cross actually means “Paid in full.”  Why then do we allow our sins to haunt us and make us feel as though we are still in debt when the bill has been settled and the sins have been forgotten? Perhaps it’s because we don’t really understand redemption.

The past no longer defines us when we receive God’s forgiveness.  The Bible declares, “A new life has begun; the old life is gone!” Everyone who is a follower of Christ is a new creation!  (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Our identity now is in Christ. Not in sin.  The new life we experience is the saving life of the Lord Jesus, whose death reconciled us to God and whose resurrection life now indwells us by faith!  That means that, when God sees you and me, He sees us in Christ; no longer condemned, but declared righteous because we are clothed in His righteousness!

Have you experienced that kind of redemption in your life? Or do you still see yourself as a failure and a by-product of the past, trying to move forward to embrace something better in the future?  You’re free to move! Make today the day you decide to accept God’s unconditional love and forgiveness!

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