Robert Griffith | 23 November 2022
Robert Griffith
23 November 2022


“It’s not about you.”

I have lost count of the number of times those four words have hit me with a palpable force … and the times my pride wanted to take over and convince me that the statement was a lie. But deep down, I know it was the truth.

The circumstances were all very different, but the heart issue was always the same … as once again I needed to come to terms with the truth that my life, my ministry, my very purpose in being here is ultimately not about me; it’s about my needs; it’s not about my ideas and plans and dreams and hopes; it’s not about my wounds or betrayal. At the end of the day; in the final analysis; when the rubber hits the road – IT’S ALL ABOUT JESUS AND HIS MISSION.

When this truth offends my mind and captures my heart again, something inside of me unlocks. I realize that my focus has been inward, but freedom comes when we fix our eyes upward.

When I turned away from God, my focus was on myself. When I strove to behave and be the model disciple, perfect Pastor and the best husband and father in the world … my focus was on myself. Suddenly, instead of focusing on me, I centred my thoughts on the One who gave me life.

Our sacrifices will never replace what God desires from us the most: a surrendered heart.

James 4:10  “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”

Humbling myself begins when I say, “God I may not understand everything that’s happened in my life or what You’re doing, but I choose again today to trust You.”

I trust that He is God and I am not and that He will work it out for my good and His glory (Romans 8:28). I trust that His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways higher than my ways. (Isaiah 55:8). With a surrendered heart, I see that God is sovereign even in the midst of uncertainty, turmoil and heartbreak. I see that because we live in a fallen world, suffering is inevitable but also a means of growth.

As I focus upward and outward instead of inward, that bitter roots dissolve; what was once resentment turns into gratitude; my glass is not half empty or even half full anymore, but overflowing – because God has given me everything I need to live the best version of myself every day of my life.

Is there an area of your life where you’re holding on to bitterness toward God? Can I encourage you to take the following steps?

Pray. Ask God to give you clarity. We serve a big God and our questions do not scare him away. You may receive answers and you may not, but presenting your requests to him will bring peace.

Be honest. God already knows your heart. Don’t be afraid to tell Him.

Be thankful. Thank God for all the blessings in your life. One of the best ways to displace bitterness is with a thankful heart.

Meditate upon God’s Word.  Notice I didn’t just say ‘read’ God’s Word. I didn’t even say ‘study’ God’s word. Both of those can be done with zero spiritual impact. Meditating upon God’s Word means you immerse yourself in God’s word and allow the same Holy Spirit Who inspired its writing and preserved it down through the years  – will be the same Spirit Who speaks to you and brings understanding to your Spirit. For all truth from God is spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14)

Brother or sister, please know as you read this today that I am praying for you. I believe that God is going to do amazing things for you, in you and through you. All He needs from you is what He always will need from you: surrender. 

Then and only then will you have the key to freedom.

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