Robert Griffith | 8 September 2024
Robert Griffith
8 September 2024


When it’s functioning properly, the Church of Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. It’s the only force on the planet which is capable of healing broken lives, pointing people to God and fulfilling the deepest longings of our souls. It’s in the Church that the rejected find acceptance, sinners receive forgiveness and the lonely experience love. It’s in the Church that we discover and encounter God and live out our true life-purpose. This is worship.

It’s in the Church that we receive teaching, training and mentoring for how we can be the people that God has called us to be as we embrace the mission of Christ. This is discipleship.

When the Church of Jesus Christ is functioning properly, each member is using his or her God-given gifts, talents and abilities to serve one another and the world around them. This is ministry.

There’s also a deep and supernatural sense of community within the Church of Jesus Christ, that fulfils our longing for friendship and intimacy with others. This is fellowship.

When the Church is functioning properly, the lost – those who are yet to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ – receive the opportunity to embrace Christ as their Saviour and come within the folds of the Church and experience everything I just mentioned. This is evangelism.

So let me say it again: when it’s functioning properly, the Church which Jesus Christ birthed and promised to build, truly is the hope of the world.

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