Robert Griffith | 25 May 2024
Robert Griffith
25 May 2024


Psalm 105:19  “Until the time came to fulfill his dreams the Lord tested Joseph’s character.”

Do you ever wonder when God will make your dream come true? Regardless of your prayers … do you feel like God has put you in a holding pattern? You’re waiting, but for how long? You may even wonder if your prayer is ever heard by God? There may even be moments when you want to give up. While we wait for God, what is He doing? The Bible states that “God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.”  (Isaiah 64:4).  Waiting on God has taught me a very important lesson over the years: although He may be silent, He is never still. Even when I’m waiting, God is always working.

Joseph is a prime example. He is one of my favourite biblical figures. The events of his life are told in Genesis chapters 30 through to 50.  Dreamy, conceited, and self-assured was Joseph. He was undoubtedly arrogant because his father preferred him over his ten elder brothers.  Joseph had to endure a lot of terrible adversities that God would use to mould his character and get him ready for greatness as he waited on God to realise his goals, in spite of – or maybe even because of – his favoured position. Joseph was given a dream by God.  However, God was more worried with Joseph’s morality than his level of luxury.

Similar to many other remarkable men and women in the Bible and history, it appears that they all encounter difficulties and disappointments that eventually lead their aspirations to wane.  Although David was expected to succeed Saul as king, he remained hidden from Saul for more than ten years, waiting for God to release him to take the throne.  Before Moses was prepared to lead Israel out of Egypt, he lived alone in the wilderness for 40 years.  When Isaac was born, 25 years had passed since Abraham was promised a child, and he was left to wonder how it could possibly be possible.

The above verse from Psalm 105 is a good one to keep in mind when we experience excruciating losses and challenges that eclipse our dreams and make us lose hope that they will ever come true. The Lord tested Joseph’s character until the time came to fulfil his dreams.

Rather than ask, “Will my dreams ever come true?” We should ask, “In what ways is God shaping my character to prepare me for His assignment?”  Then, allow His hands to shape you into the vessel He can utilise.  Remain optimistic!  Psalm 105 continues with the words, “Then Pharaoh sent for (Joseph) and set him free.”

Remain persistent!  The last chapter is always written by God!


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