Robert Griffith | 7 October 2024
Robert Griffith
7 October 2024


Mark 1:35  “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Jesus needed to get away from all distractions to prepare for another day of serving others’ needs. Maybe Jesus had a lot on His mind that He needed to talk to the Father about. Whatever His reason, He had a limited time to do so. In fact, the following verses tell us that His disciples came looking for him, and said, “Everyone is looking for you!” (verse 37).

As I sit here in my chair in my office, I am alone. But I can hear the dogs next door fighting, and since I have sat down, my phone has buzzed several times to let me know that I have messages or emails. These things distract me as I try to listen to God’s Spirit. If I had a lot on my mind that I wanted to talk with God about, I would have to go somewhere more “solitary” than this!

A day of ministry lies before each one of us. It may not be healing or casting out demons or preaching. It may be wiping little noses, washing dishes, fixing meals, caring for an elderly parent, or serving people in some other way, but just as Jesus knew His purpose for being on this earth, we also have work to do. And just as Jesus did, it may be necessary to find a solitary place to pray before the busy day begins, and “the whole world” comes looking for us!

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