Robert's Blog

Acceptance and Change

Acceptance and Change

Colossians 2:13  “When you were DEAD in your sins … GOD MADE YOU ALIVE with Christ!” This is the heart and soul of the entire New Testament. This is the foundation of …

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Established in Love

Established in Love

At the core of our physical being in our circulatory system. Blood flowing through our body is evidence of life and the source of life. Well if there is a ‘bloodstream’…

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The Fruit is Within us

The Fruit is Within us

Have you ever walked through an orchard when the fruit is forming on the trees? I grew up in a town called Orange. Orange is located on the central tablelands of NSW …

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What Has Jesus Done?

What Has Jesus Done?

Do you remember the WWJD movement in the 1990’s? It began in America and spread through our country as well. Young people in particular wore these …

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A Firm Foundation

A Firm Foundation

Some years ago, a ministry colleague of mine told me a story about a builder he knew when he lived in Canada and this story serves as a brilliant illustration of …

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All You Need is Love

All You Need is Love

I truly believe that our primary purpose, when boiled right down, is to receive and to give love and that’s why everyone can be a huge success in life regardless …

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Stupid Prayers

Stupid Prayers

Why doesn’t God answer all my prayers? The short answer is, because some of them are stupid. God doesn’t do stupid things. No matter how many times …

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Calling all Boomers …

Calling all Boomers …

What’s wrong with today’s younger generations? I hear that question all the time. Especially from my fellow Baby Boomers. The quick answer? Nothing. Nothing is wrong with …

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World Leadership Crisis

World Leadership Crisis

What is happening? Why is it so hard to find good leaders in the world today? There are over 330 million people in the United States of America so why is it that the best they …

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