On this Easter Sunday I want to encourage you. Christ the Lord is risen today! Nothing is impossible with God.
Every Easter I am reminded that He sits on the throne. Death could not hold Him. The grave could not deter Him. God’s plan went forward. In fact, it was His plan all along that Jesus should die for humanity. His crucifixion was factored into the plan to save us before the foundation of the world.
God is victorious. Nothing will stop His plans.
I don’t know what you are facing today. The challenges may seem insurmountable for you at times. The joy of the Lord may be absent. Maybe you have no idea what the future holds for you. How can the resurrection of Jesus give you hope today?
It doesn’t matter what you’re facing. I learned many years ago that in the depth of despair, trial and uncertainty, the resurrection of Jesus always gives us hope. If God can raise Jesus Christ from the dead, certainly He can take care of whatever problems you’re facing right now.
Sometimes we have to go through the problems we face, even though we wish to be released from them in an instant. Jesus had to go through death to come out victorious on the other side and ascend to the right hand of God the Father. Sometimes our journey is through the valley of the shadow of death.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t be discouraged. Regardless of the circumstances you are facing today, know this: He is victorious! Death could not hold Him! Nothing could hold Him back!
Nothing is impossible with God!
Happy Easter!