Robert Griffith | 10 November 2023
Robert Griffith
10 November 2023


I remember as a child waiting in anticipation for my birthday or for Christmas to arrive. Time moved slowly and the waiting dragged on forever.

As an adult, that time moves much more quickly. It seems like Christmas is around the corner again before last year’s gifts are put away. And waiting for birthdays isn’t quite as exciting anymore.

Waiting for the calendar page to turn – that’s not so hard. Until time ends, one month will flow into the next, guaranteed.

But waiting on God is hard. Some days it feels impossible. And other days it takes me right to my knees in tears and frustration.

Perhaps you’re waiting on God now …

… for physical healing.

… for employment.

… for a child to come home.

… for a relationship to be restored.

… for a loved one to come to faith.

Whatever it might be, there will be days when waiting on God is just too hard. Days when I think I cannot do it one more day. I can’t wait patiently without worry and fear. And on those days, peace gets edged out. In its place are anxiety, nausea, headaches, tears, depression, anger, and despair. Despair that feels like hitting bottom, where there’s no place deeper to go – because with despair comes hopelessness. Hopelessness covers the world in darkness, but not completely. Never completely. Because the darkness can never extinguish the Light.

John 12:46  “I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark.”

Jesus came into this world to show us the Light – His Light that never dims. It never goes out.

We may become blinded to it at times, but it’s there, shining like a beacon – a symbol of hope leading us back to Him.

For where there is Light, there is hope. Always hope.

On the days when the waiting feels like too much – there is hope.

Hope for a better tomorrow.

Hope that what we’re anticipating and waiting for is right around the corner.

Hope that soon God will reveal His plans for us.

Hope because God is in the wait with us – strengthening and comforting – bringing rest to the weary and calm to the panicked – picking us up when we hit the ground in despair.

Waiting for the seasons to change becomes methodical. Waiting on God never does.

We may not know what’s coming next, but God does. Our waiting and our future are in His hands. His safe, strong, and more than capable hands.

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