Robert Griffith | 22 March 2024
Robert Griffith
22 March 2024


2 Corinthians 5:21  “God made him (Christ) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

I wonder if you would trade something of immeasurable worth for something that was completely worthless?  Probably not.  But that is exactly what God did when He gave His one and only Son to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God.  It reminds me of an old song by Bill Gaither we used to sing in the 1970’s.

Something beautiful, something good
All my confusion He understood.
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife.
But He made something beautiful of my life.

This is an offer too good to refuse!  My sin for His righteousness!  Who would possibly pass on that?  If you’re bartering, you exchange items of equal value.  But God offers to trade His righteousness for our sin!  Why would He do it?  The most quoted Bible verse in history tells us why:

John 3:16  “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

How does God do it?  British Pastor and theologian, John Stott once said it like this: “Christ has no sin but ours, and we have no righteousness but His.”

When we trust Christ, we make a glorious exchange.  He takes our sin and makes us right with God! Our sin was laid on Christ. His righteousness is given to us as we embrace Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour!  Only then can He make something beautiful out of our lives.

Have you accepted the greatest exchange ever in your life? You can right now. Offer God the brokenness of your life, all your sin, all your mistakes, all your regrets and hurts in exchange for His forgiveness, His righteousness, His grace, His love, and healing. God doesn’t ask you to turn over a new leaf when you come to Christ. He offers you a whole new life!  Receive His life today and thank Him for making you right with God. When you offer to God all that you are for all that He is, you experience a quality of life that has no other explanation but Christ in you!

Old ways of life begin to pass away, and all things become new! You no longer live to and for yourself, but to and for Him who gave His life for you that He may offer His life to you! Each new day becomes an exciting opportunity for God to show Himself more than enough in your life as He transforms you from glory to glory into the likeness of His Son! This is your Divine destiny.

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