Robert's Blog

To God be the Glory

To God be the Glory

Ancient Babylon was a spectacular kingdom that included one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. One day Babylon’s ruler …

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God is our Provider

God is our Provider

It seems sort of funny now, but back in the ‘60s the word bread was a term for money. So, if someone said, “You got any bread, man?” that’s what they were talking about …

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Facing Trials

Facing Trials

Children are so cute when they’re babies. They’re so helpless and dependent. But as they get older, they learn certain skills. They learn to feed themselves and dress …

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Rivers in the wasteland

Rivers in the wasteland

We want to live on emotional mountaintops, but the reality is that spiritual fruit does not grow on mountaintops; it grows in the valleys. It grows in times of …

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God’s work in suffering

God’s work in suffering

There never was a dull day for the first-century followers of Jesus. In fact, it seems that wherever Paul went, there was either a conversion or a riot. The early Church didn’t …

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Hardship builds trust

Hardship builds trust

As they were (at long last) poised to enter the Promised Land, God warned the Israelites that the real danger to their lives had just begun. Prior to this point, Israel had …

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God’s best work

God’s best work

A traveller was visiting a logging area in the Pacific Northwest and was interested in seeing how the logs that would be used for furniture were chosen. As the logs …

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Fruitful in Christ

Fruitful in Christ

Matthew 13:23  “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a …

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Infiltrating our Culture

Infiltrating our Culture

There never was a dull day for the first-century followers of Jesus. In fact, it seems that wherever Paul went, there was either a conversion or a riot. The early Church didn’t …

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