Robert Griffith | 1 August 2022
Robert Griffith
1 August 2022


Isaiah 40:30-31  Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint.”

Sometimes I just get weary of it all. Sometimes I’m tired in body and in spirit. My strength is exhausted, my determination is shot, I’m irritated with life, and fed up with everyone around me. At times like these, I’m ready to tell everybody where to get off and go to bed. Have you ever felt like that?

Unfortunately, one of the plights of people, even redeemed people, is that our strength is exhaustible. We are not superhuman creatures. Not being supermen or superwomen, our strength runs out and we face the common problem of weariness.

While we must face the reality that all of us must deal with weariness, there is hope from the Scriptures of a deeper reality in which we can tap into the inexhaustible strength of God. The text we are looking at now reveals that although we all get weary, there is a source of strength for those who trust in and wait upon the Lord.

Do you need an inexhaustible source of strength for your life? Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be able to draw upon an unlimited reserve of power to get you through the difficult times? That is precisely the point to which this text speaks to us.

In that above passage in Isaiah we are pointed to two realities. One is an obvious reality. It is the reality that we all grow weary. The other reality is much deeper. It is the reality that as we act as people of faith, trusting in and expectantly waiting on the Lord, we will find inexhaustible strength.

The real question is: Which reality are we willing to settle for?

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