Robert Griffith | 16 January 2023
Robert Griffith
16 January 2023


1 John 1:9  “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

You probably know that the word ‘confession’ means, ‘agreeing with God.’ When we confess our sins we don’t do it to tell God what we’ve done. He already knows that. In confession we say, “Yes God, I agree that this was wrong” and then we can turn the other way in repentance. But it’s really important we understand the two sides of confession.

So often in confession a child of God lists all their sins and then sits there in quiet guilt. The list is always so long, of we are honest with ourselves. The trouble is most of us don’t hear God’s reply to us at that point of confession. He says, “We agree about what you’ve done. But now can we agree about who you are?”

There in that private moment He will bring to mind verses that speak of God’s love for you. He will remind you how you are fearfully and wonderfully made, how you are chosen and precious and planned for. You need to just sit there quietly until you can agree with God about that too. You need to sit there and rest in God’s truth.

It is so easy to see our own flaws and shortcomings. But when God sees us He doesn’t focus on what we’ve done (love keeps no record of wrongs) – He sees who we are. There are two sides to confession. Agree with God about what you have done and repent, but don’t miss the other side. Agree with God about who you are: loved and wanted and precious and forgiven and worth dying for.

In that moment of vulnerability that always comes with confession, let God love you. Then walk out into the world forgiven, empowered and ready to fulfill the mission of Christ.

Father, Thank you that because of Jesus I do not stand condemned. Help me to be quick to confess and quick to remember Your promises. Help me to understand what it means to be forgiven and keep my eyes fixed on You. Amen.

The next time you come before God in confession, take some time to think about how much He loves you. Pay attention to the story you tell yourself about who you are.

Sometimes accepting who we truly are in God is one of the hardest things to do.

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