Robert Griffith | 11 June 2024
Robert Griffith
11 June 2024


God exceeds our expectations. Is this statement true? One of my favourite stories in the Bible is the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel 1-2. Having recently read it again, something jumped out at me this time. Hannah pleads earnestly with God:

1 Samuel 1:11   “O Lord of hosts, if you will indeed look onto the affliction of your servant … and give to your servant a son …”

Hannah is in constant distress. She is barren (the Lord purposely closed her womb); she is being criticized by family and friends; she can hardly eat; and is constantly weeping before God. Worst of all, she is seemingly misunderstood by everyone. No one understands her pain.

Though God makes her wait many years, He eventually grants her petition and gives her a son, Samuel. But God doesn’t stop there. Here’s where the observation comes.

1 Samuel 2:21  “Indeed the LORD visited Hannah, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. And the young man Samuel grew in the presence of the LORD.”

Incredible! Hannah prayed for years that God would merely give her one son. He did – and then he blessed her with five children!

God exceeds our expectations — always.

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