In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we read:
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
It doesn’t matter how many scholars, linguistic experts and theologians you gather together to pull this verse apart, the end result is the same. Our God issued His people with a challenge many years ago which remains to this day. In issuing that challenge, God also gives us a glorious promise – but its a promise which depends on our action for its fulfilment. It’s one those “if, then” scenarios. God has promised to heal our land if we will humble ourselves, pray, seek His face and turn from sin. In other words, if the people of God live in a way which honours Him, then God will move in power and heal our land.
Why does God issue this conditional promise? Is it some kind of game He is playing? No. Certainly not. You see God could just move in power and heal our nation and all nations any time He likes, He doesn’t need us. So why involve us? Why even suggest that our obedience will in some way move God’s hand? The reason is as simple as it is confronting. God has always wanted to fulfil His plan and purpose in and through His people – his much loved children. God does not just want to world to sit up and take notice of Him – He wants the world to see Him in action in and through His people, which in our case is the Church which Jesus promised to build.
Jesus showed us this same reality when He walked among us. He was always pointing to the Father. He said He only did what He saw the father doing and only spoke the words the Father gave Him to speak. Jesus wanted His disciples and all future disciples to know that God desires to fulfill His plan and purpose in and through His people – not separate from them.
So it’s great to pray that God will heal our nation and we should never stop praying that. However, we also need to pray that we, the people of God, will hear the cries of God’s lost children and rise up and take a stand and speak the truth. God has promised to draw people to Himself through His spirit, but we are the ones He has commissioned to go and make disciples of those He draws.Twenty years ago as this burden for our nation was gripping my heart more than ever before, I wrote a song which became a prayer I prayed over and over again. It’s as relevant today as it was when it was written so let me share the words with you.
Heal Our Nation, Lord
I love this ‘Great Southland of the Holy Spirit’
‘Down-under’ is the greatest place to be
Australia has been called the lucky country
yet millions are still yearning to be free
From golden beaches to the rugged mountains
this land has a beauty rich and rare
yet many of its people are in darkness
waiting for the Church to show we care
Come Lord Jesus, heal our nation
fill our hearts with expectation
of the great revival coming to our land
may your people hear the crying
of so many sad and dying
give us courage now to rise and take a stand.
Heal our nation, Lord
empower the Church to preach Your Word
heal our nation, Lord
how will they know, if they have never heard?
So many people searching for some meaning
as they worship idols made by man
the answer lies beyond in Your great kingdom
we need you Lord to come and heal our land.
Come Lord Jesus, heal our nation
fill our hearts with expectation
of the great revival coming to our land
may your people hear the crying
of so many sad and dying
give us courage now to rise and take a stand.
Heal our nation, Lord
empower the Church to preach Your Word
heal our nation, Lord
how will they know, if they have never heard?
© 2000 Robert Griffith