Robert Griffith | 28 September 2023
Robert Griffith
28 September 2023


Every moment of every day you and I are faced with choices – the outcome of which can and does affect us, our family, the Church and the society in which we live. Basically, the bottom line is that life is an unpredictable and at times treacherous journey into the unknown. There are no guarantees other than God’s love and grace and everything can change in the blink of an eye. Those who are maturing in Christ will recognise the simple truth that some days we are the pigeon and some days we are the statue.  On the days when things are not going well, or we are wounded or bruised in some way, we just need to get over it and make good choices.

  • You can choose to be sad – or you can choose to be happy.
  • You can choose to be a victim – or you can choose to be a victor.
  • You can choose death – or you can choose life.
  • You can choose to sulk – or you can choose get over it.
  • You can choose to focus on what God hasn’t done for you yet – or you can choose to focus on all that He has already done for you.
  • You can choose to be offended – or you can choose to forget it.
  • You can choose to look at your sin and failure all day long – or you can choose to press on and leave the past behind.
  • You can choose to serve others needs – or you can choose to focus on your own needs.
  • You can choose to forgive – or you can choose to hold resentment in your heart.
  • You can choose to believe what God says – or you can choose to believe what your fallen mind and wicked heart tell you.
  • You can choose to please God – or you can choose to please man.
  • You can choose to pick the lilies and learn from your times in the valley – or you can choose to trample on the lilies, learn nothing and strive to get out and reach the mountain as soon as possible.
  • You can choose to take charge of your life and ACT – or you can choose to REACT and let others take charge of your life.
  • You can choose to trust – or you can choose to doubt.
  • You can choose to submit to God – or you can choose to go it alone.
  • You can choose to be yourself – or you can choose to be what others expect.
  • You can choose to take people at face value – or you can choose to analyse them and look for a hidden agenda.
  • You can choose to love – or you can choose to hate.
  • You can choose to build up – or you can choose to tear down.

Friends, we will not take this nation for Jesus while we are binding our wounds and complaining about our lot in life. We have to get over it – all of it – whatever it is that holds us back. We have to let go and let God  give us the ability to move on. Let me give you some tips which you can remind yourself of each day as you learn to get over it  and this acrostic might help you:

  Growing up is a choice
  Enjoy what God has already given you
  Trust God to supply your needs not your wants

  Omnipotence dwells within you
  Victor or victim: it’s your daily choice
  Every day has a fresh sunrise
  React or act: it’s your choice

  Incomparable riches are yours in Christ
  Tomorrow is another day!

Every day we have a choice how we respond to ourselves, others and God. Every day we make subconscious decisions which have a powerful effect on who we are and what we do. I know it’s hard to accept, but basically it’s our choice how we live and how our life ends up.  So I encourage you from today forward:

  • Choose life and not death
  • Choose freedom and not bondage
  • Choose victory and not defeat
  • Choose to be thankful for what God has already done as you cry out to Him for more.
  • Choose to believe what God has said and not trust our fallen hearts.
  • Choose to ACT and not REACT
  • Choose to find God in the valley as we journey to the mountain.
  • Choose to forgive and not resent
  • Choose to bless and not curse
  • Choose to believe and not doubt
  • Choose to rejoice in times of hardship
  • Choose to build up and not tear down
  • Choose to serve the needs of others above your own
  • Choose to GET OUT OF THE BOAT and trust Jesus!


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