Robert Griffith | 12 April 2024
Robert Griffith
12 April 2024


2 Thessalonians 1:11  “With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.”

Have you ever had a feeling that God was calling you to do something because of your faith?  Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonian church served as a potent reminder to them to live lives that were worthy of their calling as Christ’s disciples.  God has called us to live ‘in Christ’ and then ultimate become like Christ.  When our hearts are transformed by the power of the gospel, God gives us the ability to become more like Christ.  We are able to accomplish things that we would not be able to do without Him.

The part of the above verse which really hit me afresh today when pay says he prays that, “… by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.”

Have you ever felt moved to take action by your faith even when you knew you couldn’t accomplish it on your own?  God invites us to join Him in what He wants to accomplish when He calls us to do something we are unable to accomplish on our own!  There is nothing more thrilling than this!  This is what faith is all about!

It makes me think of the moment Peter got out of the boat and started to walk on water!  What was completely impossible for him to accomplish on his own was made possible by God and through Peter’s faith.  Peter would later be inspired to pray for the sick and even to raise a dead girl!

Although God may not inspire you to perform such spectacular miracles as these, if you are a believer in Christ, He will inspire empower your faith and push you beyond your comfort zone may times.  For a believer, the comfort zone is also the death zone.  Where is God if all you ever do can be attributed to your own aptitude, resources, and ability?

Ask God to stir your faith today to do something for which there is no other reason to praise Him and Him alone.

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