Robert Griffith | 15 May 2023
Robert Griffith
15 May 2023


When we study what Jesus taught, it is obvious that He came to make us unoffendable. Consider: He says that if someone slaps you on one cheek, offer him the other (Luke 6:29). He said to love our enemies and bless those who curse us (Luke 6:27-28). What He’s really doing is showing us how a heart of love which cannot be offended will overcome all adversity.

We ask the Lord to change us and to answer that prayer He sometimes puts us in situations that offend us. The offence itself awakens our need of grace. Thus, the Lord precipitates change by first offending the area of our soul He desires to transform.

God does not expect us to merely survive adversity but to become Christlike in the midst of adversity.

Ask Joseph in the Old Testament: his offense became the path to his anointing and power because he possessed an unoffendable heart. He never stopped trusting God in spite of the injustices and trials he faced.

The destiny God has for us unfolds or withers at the junction of offense. How we handle offence is the key to our tomorrow.

Psalm 119:165  “Those who love God’s law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble.”

Let us pray that the Lord will grant us that new creation heart that can walk as Jesus walked through a world of offence – without stumbling. May we see everything as an opportunity to pray and to become Christlike. May be always interpret offences as opportunities that lead to transformation. May we embrace the pulse and beat of Christ’s unoffendable heart within us.

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