Robert Griffith | 1 June 2022
Robert Griffith
1 June 2022


We fear rejection, so we follow the crowd.
We fear not fitting in, so we take the drugs.
For fear of standing out, we wear what everyone else wears.
For fear of blending in, we wear what nobody else wears.
For fear of sleeping alone, we sleep with anyone.
For fear of not being loved, we search for love in all the wrong places.

But God flushes out those fears. Those saturated in God’s love don’t sell out to win the love of others. They don’t even sell out to win the love of God. Do you think you need to? Do you think, ‘If I curse less, pray more, drink less, study more … if I try harder, God will love me more?’  Sniff and smell the Satan’s stench behind those words!

We all need improvement, but we never, ever have to woo God’s love or try and buy His affection with our performance. That is religion and God hates religion! We are able to change and grown and improve because we already have God’s love – God’s perfect, unconditional, life-transforming love. Bask in His love today and let Him deal with the rest!

(Source: Max Lucado: ‘Come Thirsty’)

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