Acts 22:16a “What are you waiting for?”
There’s a moment to take action and a time to wait. To distinguish between the two, we require wisdom. The apostle Paul was given instructions by God when he first saw the risen Christ. He was initially instructed to travel to Damascus and wait for more instructions. After searching for him for three days, a stranger by the name of Ananias instructed him, saying,
Acts 22:14-15 “The God of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.”
Ananias glances at Paul, who must have been stunned and confused by what had happened, as he sat there trying to make sense of it all, asking, “What are you waiting for? Rise, and get baptised. To have your sins forgiven, invoke the name of the Lord.” (v.16) It was time to stop waiting. Paul was given the command to march. It was time to take action! Never again would his life be the same!
How about you? Why do you wait? This is your chance to accept Christ if you haven’t before. Get up, accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and be baptized. Have your sins washed away (not by the water) but by calling on the name of the Lord.
You already know what to do if you have accepted Christ. You are called to share what Christ has done for you, even though you may not be called to be a professional missionary and church planter as Paul was. Each of our spheres of influence contains people who need to hear that God loves them and sent His Son in order to atone for their sins. Who will tell them if we don’t?
The question “What are you waiting for?” posed by Ananias makes me think of another inquiry the angels posed to the disciples on the Mount of Olives following their observation of Jesus’ ascension.
Acts 1:11 “Why are you standing here looking up into heaven, men of Galilee?”
Jesus had given them their marching orders, and then He ascended into heaven. He’s given us ours, the waiting is over, and it’s time to act. Share His love with someone today and invite them to worship with you this weekend.